
People are glued to their phones and it’s a fact. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary. If you have an idea that you think is worth developing into an app, you should seize the opportunity.

This is how we do it:
- Approach
We can do it two ways: Ionic or Native. What we choose is up to you. Based on your needs and the budget, we will embark on a journey to present you with the best mobile app possible, following the latest trends in the industry.
- Research and analysis
To make a state of the art product we need to know what else is out there. We will look into the competition and find the best models to incorporate into your mobile app.
- Roadmap and Design
We can’t show you the final product yet, but we can show you how we’re going to get there. After your approval, our UX&UI teams are in charge. They’ll know where to put all the “buttons”.
- QA
We can’t let you have your mobile app until it works properly. Every work process has its flaws which can result in bugs. We are basically debugging until it’s flawless.
Our works:
- Uniqa – Insurance provider
- Crnogorski Telekom – Corporate Web Portal
- Ekhart Yoga – Video platform
- SafeBikely – IoT
- Faculty for Montenegrin language and literature
We are aware that the whole world is going mobile. And that’s why we are focused on developing the most beautiful solutions, easy to use with an emphasis on flawless UX&UI.