
BILDing knowledge

Milena Raičević
Milena Raičević
July 6, 2015

Prof. Veselin Draškovic, GUEST LECTURE

Last week we had a chance to attend inspiring lecture by prof. dr Veselin Draskovic. What we expected to be only a lecture, turned into a constructive dialog in which professor  

If you are wondering why IT company and creative agency organizes lectures in the area of economics, answer is clear, we want to gain knowledge from many, and different areas. Some of these concern our daily work, whilst others concern everyday life, overall, roots are in our large desire to find out more about matters that don’t directly concern us. 

Prof. Draskovic has over 230 scientific references, from which around 50 books. Hi is one of rare from our country who had a chance to teach on University Lomonosov. Moreover, with passion characteristic only to real professors he transfers knowledge with great joy. Today prof. Draskovic teaches at University of Montenegro. 

During the lecture we spoke mostly about political and economic systems in the world, with focus on neoliberalism. We were reminded of historical high points which defined our present. Only some of these are stock market crashes in the years of 1873 and 1929; fall of Berlin wall and economic implications that followed. Today we live in the age when most of economic talks concern free market, global economy and free money flows. However, if we make only a step back and take a look at the wider picture, we will understand that market has limits. Institutional limits shape our everyday life. As individuals we rarely see these and hardly realize that our lives are somewhat predefined. Fact that stays forgotten is universal presence of the EU in our lives. Together, with all advantages EU brought, there are those that it took away, one example is monetary politics. This is only one out of many system implications that restricts our complete, country freedom. 

During the lecture we talked about the importance of institutional frame and freedoms that are left to individuals. On the global market most of the capital is in hands of only few world companies. Does it and how does it reflect to our individual lives? This is only one of many questions that left behind heated debate. 

As it usually happens this economic talk has also touched questions of demand and resources. Where are resources? What is the main resource of today? We leave to you to find an answer. 

At the end, from prof. Draskovic we learned that neoliberalism is ideology, doctrine, geopolitics, philosophy, theory, metaphor. It can be observed from many aspects, but we must not forget that in a greater or lesser extent affects all of us. 

Professor left us with many questions, and we leave you to think and if you wish, please do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas, thoughts and advices, we would love to hear them. 

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