National Partnership for Entrepreneurial Learning of Montenegro awarded Bild Studio with the prize for the good business practice in the area of improving the skills of pupils and students.

Due to the lack of adequate staff in the labor market, two years ago, Bild Studio launched free internship program to train, strengthen and hire young people who will be able to meet the current market requirements in the areas of information technology, design, and marketing. The initial objective has greatly outgrown the expected achievements.
Meanwhile, our Internship Programme has become a brand itself, equally recognizable among students and among educational and public institutions and similar companies. This is one of the few professional training programs for young people, providing them with the opportunity to work on concrete, realistic projects, in a relaxed, but also a hard-working environment. The program seeks to integrate them in a specific team, constantly fostering team spirit, collegiality and professionalism. Several dozen young people passed our programs so far, all of them carrying the most positive experience. Most importantly, this program provides concrete, measurable results and consistently achieves its goal: to increase the employment rate of young people and to improve their knowledge and professional skills.
Most important results:
- 47 people trained through various programs, out of which 39 students and graduates, 3 high school students, 2 teachers, and 3 foreign exchange students;
- 32 people hired by the Bild Studio and partner companies;
- 15 lectures held at colleges, high schools, and seminars;
- memorandum on cooperation signed with the Faculty of Information Technology (Mediterranean University), Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies (UDG), Faculty of Economics (UCG).
The award is not just a recognition of our good performance, it is above all an incentive to continue to directly contribute to reducing the gap between the knowledge provided by the formal educational system and skills required by the modern market.

This project got its recognition through the approval of the EU funds for the project “Transfer of knowledge between educational and research institutions and the business sector”. Hence, we are soon kicking off with the training of 50 new interns.
The awards ceremony was held within the International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning “Promotion of Good Practices in Schools and Enterprises”, which was held yesterday in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro. On behalf of the Bild Studio, the award was received by Dženita Brčvak, Project Manager.