Last Thursday we had a special guest, our friend Aleksandar Dlabač. To get best of this gathering, Aleksandar brought his latest invention – an electrical bomb. :)

Aleksandar is a professional programmer and a creator of a board game Clockwork Briefcase. By his words, he found inspiration for this invention in the online game Keep talking and nobody explodes. The electrical bomb has nine modules. It requires two players. In front of one player there’s an electrical bomb and in front of the other, there’s a paper with instructions. While the timer is ticking, your friend tells you which wire to cut, which password to type, and so on, in order to “deactivate the bomb” as soon as possible. If you make a mistake or the time runs out, the “bomb explodes”.

On Thursday, the only “survivors” were Dimitrija Roganović and Luka Božinović, the winners of the game between BILDers. They successfully deactivated 3 of 4 modules in 7 minutes. The game delighted them. According to them, success in this game depends on good communication, managing skills and a little bit of luck.

Aleksandar presented its game on Reboot Develop 2016, an unique high-end developers conference, held in Split in April 2016. Participants of the conference were thrilled by the game, and often returned several times to re-attempt to “deactivate the bomb”.
We encourage you to make teams, invite Aleksandar and try to “deactivate the bomb”. Should you need consultancy, feel free to contact some of our experts for “deactivation”. :)