A brand is what others feel about you – that’s why brands are carefully built and even more carefully guarded.
The End
I see that picture: It’s the middle of the day, a working day, the street rush visible through the large window confirms that. The phone is deliberately muted, the music slides along with the idle flow in the head, the jotter is on the lap, the pen is in hand.
There I am, in a comfortable armchair, as in the middle of a movie shot in which the main character stands calm in his verity, while reality rushes around him ten times faster.
There is tea, too. Tea is a must.
The break.
And from somewhere comes the scent of cinnamon.

The Story
It happens, albeit rarely, that a client comes with a clear request. Simply put – he knows what he wants. In my own defense, I point out that this is not a criticism of the clients, I wouldn’t go there, but it is one of the usual human characteristics. If you go from yourself, which, according to the observers of the foolishness produced by human behavior, you should always do, you will understand how there are a few of us, or rather you, who can say what they want right on a spot.
Yes, the truth hurts, according to observers of the foolishness that produces its saying. Therefore, let’s ignore what creates pain and return to what significantly reduces it, which is, to repeat, a client with a clear desire.
And the desire, this time, was – I want to create a place that makes the break fashion again.
I don’t have a name, I don’t have anything else, I just need to show people how important it is to take a break from the speed of life that exhausts us all, the desire continued.
What a treat for branding, was my second thought. The first, as expected, was that the speed of everyday life obviously grinds and kneads us so much that the thought of at least a short timeout often does not even cross our minds.
I was, like the rest of the team, bought with that. And to be bought by an idea is an initial spark that activates the energy that builds a good brand, while the word break remained echoing, like a trail to be followed.

To warn the readers in time – disturbing scenes are coming. Branding is a wicked ride. It reminds of some long-forbidden methods of obtaining information, only the color palette is noticeably prettier. We bomb our clients with questions, we are ruthless in our search for details and we don’t stop repeating that boring – why?
When we filter the intentions of our clients through this griddle, we pack it all in special small boxes, with special small labels called the purpose, vision and mission, key values, brand archetype, customer personas, success and failure factors, positioning, tone of voice, visual identity, treeline and tagline (in the words of common people – a slogan), we do a fine touch and tie it into a package called brand strategy or more simply – branding. You choose the color of the ribbon. (Honestly, it often happens that we get involved in that as well because the creative and art direction can’t help but come up with a new color proposal. Psychology, what to do, please understand.)

By eliminating this medieval moment, which those with a lack of sense of drama will consider redundant, you will easily see that branding is a fun but demanding creative path, which rests on a strong emotional component of the desire and a need to create something new.
And when you go that path guided by a strong energy, like the one that would burst you if you saw in a dream what your life would look like if you dared to do what you really want, as a result you get a new place at Stari Aerodrom in Podgorica, where the time you spent is truly yours – Cimet bistro.
And the break sill echoes, but not like desire, but like an option.

Avoiding the pressure of everyday life and giving some time has become a privilege. Nevertheless, two young people decided to make it possible for themselves, as well as for everyone who shares their desire, which is why Cimet is a place for that break that still echoes and echoes, in the middle of the famous bustle of Stari aerodrom.
And let that break echo still. But now as part of everyday life.
And tea. Tea is a must, period. Okay, okay, a cake is a must too, to hell with everything and a thousand promises about a strict diet plan with it.
Well, enough revealing. Cimet is to try. And to return to it for a piece of our time.

The Beginning
Cimet bistro je otvorio svoja vrata. Tamo kažu da treba zaokružiti užitak, a da su oni tu da ga začine. Primamljiva ponuda. Ide im uz ime. I uz karakter. I uz hrabar cilj da nas sve podsjete koliko je važno da brinemo o sebi i onome što je važno.
Cimet bistro has opened its doors. There they say that you need to circle up the pleasure and that they are there to spice it up. A tempting offer. It goes with their name. And with character. And with the bold goal of reminding us all how important it is to take care of ourselves and what’s important.
And with tea. Tea is a must, hey, they have awesome tea.
Branka team, devoted to build brands with guts.
- Graphic design – Stefan Darmanović, Ksenija Planić
- Creative writing, naming – Milivoje Krivokapić
- Brend strategy – Milivoje Krivokapić, Ksenija Planić
- Biz dev – Stefan Planić
- Art direction – Nikola Kalezić
- Creative direction – Ksenija Planić
P. S.: While we awaiting the results, one of the first ones is that Saša Mišić quits smoking during the project.