
Google Academy and draft beer

Miloš Dimić
Miloš Dimić
March 9, 2018

Read our impressions from the Google AdWords Academy, organized by the HR company  WEON from Podgorica.

Topics of the three-day course were Google AdWords and Google Analytics, and the lecturers were well-known Miroslav Varga and, not very familiar to us, but excellent, Zorin Radovančević.

Regardless of whether you use these tools or not (not Miroslav and Zorin, but the other two), you are probably wondering if this course is worth attending next time it is organized in Montenegro. So, let’s just answer that question right away.

Can you give a positive and confident answer to at least 7 of the following 10 claims?

  • I know how to set up a Google Advertisement and have it shown on the entire screen on the smartphone.
  • I know what MCC account in Google Ads is and what are its benefits.
  • I know how to apply all extensions to Google Ads.
  • I know how to achieve a lower cost-per-click for Google Ads.
  • I know how to use the “if” and “countdown” functions in optimizing the text of Google Ads advertisement.
  • I know what Dynamic Search Ads are.
  • I know how to set up a GDN campaign only on the websites I want.
  • I know how to set up the Google Tag Manager for tracking users over a web page for analytics purposes.
  • I know how to define a group of users in Google Analytics and use this data to target Google Ads advertisements.
  • I know how to set up Google Event Tracking to track interactions on a website that are not standard.

Now you can give an objective assessment and say that you are one of those who said “Yes” at least 7 times or these topics are only slightly familiar to you.

Our impressions from the course are extremely positive and we especially liked:

  • Numerous new options that we discovered during the course, which we wouldn’t find out by simply reading several blog posts on the Internet.
  • The lecturers, who really care and that can’t be played. Varga and Zorin are really dedicated to sharing as much information as possible and bring them closer to us in the simplest way, while willing to explain the same things even few times.
  • Charismatic Varga made a special impression. He managed to break the rigid atmosphere characteristic for this kind of events.
  • Despite all the certificates that the lecturers have and the fact that, for example, Zorin deals solely with the Google Analyst for 6 years, what showed us the highest quality is the lecturers’ will to answer questions and comment the concrete situations from practice. This tells us that the lecture doesn’t come to the prepared scheme and the mere information sharing. Therefore, it’s expected that each of the next courses will be different, depending on the participants’ questions.

The only suggestion we have is to leave more room for the part of the Google Analytics course. The theme is broad and duration is too short, despite Zorin’s efforts to encompass the topic in the available time. Therefore, we advise narrowing the topic or leaving more space to the participants before they have a beer with lecturers at the end of the Google Academy. :)

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