Good morning world.
On this fine Tuesday morning, we are reporting from Bild Studio, at last.
After a week of having celebrated our birthday, we are proud to announce that, besides an occasional hangover, too much cake and partying, we’ve turned nine.
To show you that we’ve grown since last year, would be easy. Too easy actually.
If in doubt, check out the following:

See? All grown up now.
But what truly made Bild grow as a company, and take a step further into unknown and uncharted lands, are the people who work here.
70 + wonderful, hardworking, corner-cutting, team orientated, competition-driven, sporty, enthusiastic, talkative, wallflowers, that belong to one team.
In the market saturated with opportunity, Bild Studio stands out as an agency that caters not only to the needs of its clients but to the needs of its employees too. Whether it is the family atmosphere we insist on, after-hours activities or projects we work on that make Bild Studio quirky and astonishing, here’s what we achieved in 365 days.

Our old house felt tight around edges; thus, we decided to move.

At the beginning of January, 22 interns joined our team eager to learn about the front end, back end and UX design. You might have heard us boasting about it earlier this year.
The great thing about Bild Studio lies in the fact that we are never tired of accepting new challenges. Therefore, the cooperation with two new partners was added to our long list of Pride and Joy.

The following paragraph might sound like bragging. But it is important to note that while we genuinely are modest, we hold onto certain values.
Therefore we are always pleased to see that others recognise our beliefs and actions as something valuable to the community as a whole. During the past 365 days, we were awarded several notable awards, such as: ‘Care for employees’, ‘The best project manager in Montenegro’ and ‘Care for families’.
Our Marketing team never sleeps – scouts honour! Once they set their mind on something, a fantastic result awaits. It was no different from the campaign they launched for the LGBTQ community.

Software outsourcing team continues to expand exponentially year after year, and pleasantly surprise us with the quality of work, good humour and dedication. No parent has a favourite child, and neither do we, although we ought to notice that our Enterprise team is a supernova of a kind. Do we sense doubt? Ah, but in a year time, a dynamic and enthusiastic team has worked on eight projects, and one of its members came up with a super cool gadget – patent pending.
Last, but never the least, our Design and Epikad teams worked hard and did their share of websites & branding projects. From our last birthday, they designed, developed and optimised over 30 sites, and we couldn’t be prouder of them than we already are.

As per usual, we still play in our bands, compete in chess, table tennis, football, and basketball.
Now, do tell me, if there ever was doubt if Bild Studio has grown a year older and much wiser, it is long gone now, heh?
But do remember, awards are nice, we enjoy the projects we work on, but it is people that we cherish the most.