“I will have a burger to go, extra bbq sauce and lots of chillies.” How many times did you say this one? The sole purpose of fast food is to get you going through the day, on foot, so you could focus on the job and other daily tasks. Having an unhealthy meal is one thing, but how often do you think of your friends and family? When was the last time you had a greasy spicy burger with them?
Healthy lifestyle is a hostage to this modern era we live in and, unfortunately, it’s all our fault. F&F, too. Additionally, the circumstances we witness at the moment, such as COVID-19 are forcing us to adapt and overcome. We work from home, we are dependent on delivery and ultimately we don’t see many people that much anymore. Bearing all that in mind, a group of young entrepreneurs decided to change the narrative. Our partner, Marko Miročević, and one of our many teams joined forces to create a brand new app to tackle aforementioned problems.
Behold: Mennoo – Meet & Eat.

Right now
Another question: how many times you had to wait for your food and you are in a hurry and starving? Mennoo is designed to solve that particular issue. Using the Mennoo app you can schedule your meal at your favorite restaurant and the food will be steaming hot on your plate when you arrive. All you have to do is: pick the location, meal and time. The system will automatically put it in your calendar. You’ll get the notification 10 minutes prior. And, voila.
Healthy lifestyle
Other than an easy and flawless appointment system, Mennoo offers healthy ingredients monitoring / nutritional calculator to take care of your calories intake. If you want to stay fit, or you want to burn some extra fat – Mennoo is there for you.
Mennoo is not your everyday food app. Instead, it takes care of your social life, too. Using the Mennoo app you can call your colleagues, friends, grandmother, aunt, even parents to enjoy a lunch or a dinner with. They can choose their healthy meal, also. And if you want to brag because you have lots of money – Menoo has an option which lets you pay for everyone. So, if you want to forget about splitting bills and losing time doing that… Mennoo’s got you covered. And it saves time.
Junk food no more
All the functionalities gathered under a Mennoo banner are the result of thorough research of our focus groups. This app is for those who stare at the computer for most part of the day, for businesswomen and businessmen, CEO’s and other “C”-worthy title holders. Of course, Mennoo is the perfect match for all those who are not on the executive level, but rather do the “field work” and don’t have time to think about healthy food, or to wait for it. On average – Mennoo saves around 30 minutes per meal. Admit it. It’s sometimes a precious time which you could use for something else than waiting for your food, for sure.
Caterers dream
On the other hand, we spoke to caterers. They told us that the food preparation is a slow and difficult process. Their chefs are overburdened and that’s one of the reasons why people wait on their meals. Using Mennoo, caterers can solve multiple issues: operational planning, better table turnover, better no-show rates. Using the app you are certain that the quality of your food is impecable, because it can’t be stale. Plus – you are saving the environment. Just think of all the packaging that’s left for junk after you’re finished with your take-out or delivery food.
Mennoo is at the prototype stage at the moment. Its creators are on the hunt for potential investors.
That’s where you come in and we could use your help. Mennoo is on the Bits&Pretzels platform and the goal is to be among 8 others who will get the chance to present their ideas and end up with funding.
If we earn some money, we promise to take you out on a fine dinner, using Mennoo app. Our treat.