Hasan Aksoy (23) has graduated from Electrical & Electronics Engineering department of ‘’Ege University” in Turkey. He came to Montenegro through mobility program that is organized by “IAESTE – International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience“, to get an experience in software development. This was his third time abroad (previously he’s been in Greece and Slovenia). Before coming to Bild Studio, he was working in the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, on the development of the application for computers and telecommunications equipment. This application has the ability to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. He also worked with the software development process, including research: design, programming, and testing of computer software.

As a result of successful cooperation with the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, he came to Bild Studio. He is very happy here, and enjoys working with Bild Studio team, because, as he told me, here he had an opportunity to learn something more about business sector, which could be very useful for him in the future.
The beginning of our acquaintance and the first mistake – Hasan is the cooking intern
I’ve made a mistake because I replaced Hasan as a cooking intern. But, it wasn’t my fault. This happened because my colleague told me that Hasan is working on a raspberry pie. I was shocked. I didn’t know that we have a cooking department. Soon after I started talking to Hasan, he explained to me what really was the reason for his internship, and what he is doing in Bild.

I was intrigued what kind of technology is this raspberry pie, and how it looks like, so I asked Hasan if he could show me. While we went upstairs, I was wondering how does it look? I imagined if it was big, or mighty, or maybe complicated (those technology things are always complicated for me). My expectations maybe were too high, as If I am going to see a time machine. And suddenly, my imagination was interrupted by Hasan, when he opened the door of his office and said: “It is on the table, you can see it”. I was confused. It was so tiny. Almost I needed a microscope to find it. And there it was – a Raspberry Pi. And it really wasn’t bigger than a piece of the pie. I must confess, I was expecting some kind of a big machine, but instead of that, I was watching at 10×5 cm “big” IT panel. So, I asked myself – What this tiny little thing can do anyway? Probably not much.

The second mistake – Raspberry Pi isn’t that much powerful
How many times did we hear the following: Don’t judge a book by its cover? And yet, how many times we don’t think about that when we make a conclusion about something?
And, that is what brought me to my second mistake. Something so small probably can’t be so powerful, I thought. Hasan convinced me to the contrary when he told me that this little thing can, for example, control other technical devices in the house. He was working with Bild’s development team on a project that implies control of all air-conditioners in Bild Studio with the mobile phone applications using Java–Python language and Raspberry Pi microprocessor. To simplify, it means that if you want to turn on or off air-conditioners or to adjust temperature level, with the help of very powerful Raspberry Pi, you can do it with your mobile phone, if you have an internet connection. And the best part of this is that you can do it whether you are inside or outside your home. Pretty cool, right? I felt like I was Marty McFly from „Back to the future“ movie, and I almost imagined myself in some kind of futuristic – super smart technology home.

But, it is not the only thing that it can do. In fact, you can use it like a tiny, little computer. With a couple of additional connections, you can have an all-in-one smart device.
The third mistake – The name because of the size
When I thought about the name of this cool microprocessor, I assumed it was related to its size. I was curious, so I decided to find out what’s the story behind the funny name. It turned out that I was wrong. Again.
In Jose Vilches interview with Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton, Upton explained the name story. The Raspberry part was created because of the fruit naming tradition from the past days of microcomputers. Earlier it was common to name a microcomputer after a fruit. The Pi part was created because originally this tiny computer was supposed to run only with Python programming language. So, the Pi was for Python. Contrary to the original idea, now it can run on a lot of different programming languages. So, it seems that I’m not the only one who makes quick conclusions.

The conclusion – If you don’t make mistakes, you don’t make anything
If I haven’t made a couple of mistakes, I wouldn’t have found out what really is Raspberry Pi, and wouldn’t have got to know Hasan and his work, and how great time he has spent at Bild Studio.
You know, if you don’t make mistakes, and don’t ask questions, you wouldn’t be able to find out new interesting things. Now, I know I’m not an electronic engineer, and I certainly don’t know how to use a microprocessor, but for sure now I know one thing, that raspberry pi(e) isn’t necessary just something I would like to have for a snack.